The work of condominium managers is under scrutiny. Households that live in the same building can now purchase the services of auditors: trained and qualified experts that closely examine and certify balance sheets that will have to bear increasing resemblances with those drawn up by actual businesses. This means they will have to include financial and asset statements accessible to all, starting with companies that need to verify their solvency. In essence, it will be increasingly difficult to break the rules. The effects of the law introduced a few months ago, and which has revolutionised the world of condominium management, are about to be felt also in the Treviso region. «We are just at the beginning of an epochal change – explains Deborah Furci, fiscal consultant and President of Revcond, an Association of experts established last June to define the criteria for correct condominium bookkeeping – Now, not only must condominium managers take permanent training courses, but the Condominium Meeting can appoint an auditor». The initial idea was not so much to introduce a watchdog capable of pressuring administrators, but rather to develop a collaboration relationship to prevent problems. The fact is that many interpret the new figure directly as a “vigilante” capable of bringing to light any deficits or cash shortages. A rather shocked city of Treviso is still talking about Roberto Artuso, head of Amministrazioni Restera Srl, who in November was at the centre of a scandal, accused of having taking illegal possession of payments made by condo owners in via Ronchese, area Gescal and via Montello, totalling tens of thousands of euros. «No more messing around – warns Giorgio Granello – Condominium auditors will keep a close watch on dishonest or superficial managers». What’s more, the auditing process may even be undertaken by condo owners themselves. «This is applicable in buildings with more than nine apartments – explains the Revcond President – the condominium manager may be assisted by councillors, and nothing prevents them from taking courses and qualifying to audit balance sheets. This would also save the condominium money». Direct control could prevent the first cause of economic disarray: underestimated budgets. «At times, seeking to add an extra condominium to their rosters with appealing offers, managers may lower prices too much – Mrs. Furci rounds up – The result is that payments are then postponed and there is a shortage of funds: not because someone has stolen them, but because they weren’t even asked of the condo owners to start with». Therefore, these days a condominium auditor may represent a last line of defence.